Attract the dominant lady of your dreams – or the TRULY SUBMISSIVE MALE you’ve always WANTED – with NO conscious effort!

Attract TRUE femdom to YOU – NATURALLY-  with NO conscious effort – on AUTO PILOT!!


Dear Reader,

Was chatting a friend about this, that and sundry a while back ago – and the question was posed -as it has been a million time before (or so it seems!).

I was recanting one of my experience with Princess Tina, and pat came the question – half “curious”, and half (seemingly) envious (vibes don’t lie, my friend!).

“Where do you meet all these women, Mike”

Well …

“I mean, how do you meet them” he corrected me.

And my answer is the same as always – as I’ve always told you – without – I repeat, WITHOUT – “consciously” making ANY effort at all on my end.

This alone sounds like a mind bender to the vast majority of guys out there (vanilla or not) for whom “running after women” is a major pastime.

And I understand, but yet – this “running after anything” rarely results in anything but frustration – often times, repeated frustration.

Neither does sitting back and doing nothing accomplish much. You hear a lot about “wait for it to come to you”, but this piece of advice isn’t necessarily what you should be told, my friend, if you’re having trouble meeting women – or dominant women at that.

And the KEY to meeting both types of women — vanilla or not – – is simpler than you might think.

While I’ve outlined no less than TWENTY POWER PACKED – and REAL world (read very practical) tips on how to get yourself the dream dominant lady of your choice (in a SEPARATE book I’ll mention later) – the real key isn’t even in those 20 tips.

If you haven’t read that book as yet, then you really do need to in conjunction with, NOT in place of this book.

The real key is very clearly mentioned in the manual, but as Napoleon Hill said in Think and Grow Rich – – you’ll find the SECRET mentioned in nigh every chapter – – whether you recognize it or not is up to YOU.

Quoting from that book (paraphrasing rather)

I could give you the secret right now, but that would deprive you of many of the benefits you would get if you discovered it yourself.

Truer words have never been uttered (or penned), my friend!

I don’t care if you’re trying to get rich – or lose weight – or learn a new language – or write a book (or several) – or attract the dominant lady of your DREAMS – the same thing holds nigh true.

And that, coupled with the frustration so many people have in terms of finding the right submissive/dominant partner was what caused me to put out the first and IMMENSELY popular first book, but the only “flaw” in it – – if this could be termed as “flaw” is that it focused on everything – – except affirmations and literal “how to’s”.

For instance, you know (via that book) that she is always right no matter what – – but how do you DIN it into your brain so that it literally becomes part of your REALITY?


You know he’s born to serve, for instance – – but again, how do you make that thought part of your subconscious so that the vibes you unknowingly put out REFLECT the same?

And so forth.

Getting back to it though, why do we attract some things to us without even thinking, my friend (such as in my case)?

Why is a moth attracted to a flame? (the question I pose on the homepage), or honeybee to pollen?

Ever notice that what we think about a lot tends to come true??

The key, my friend is so simple that it should be obvious. In fact I’ve GIVEN to you not once, but twice in this here piece of writing – but you’ll have to spot it for yourselves!

… or, maybe not, hehe.

The KEY is your SUBCONSCIOUS – – and what you REALLY, really want at your deepest levels!

Conscious thoughts and efforts can only take us SO far, my friend. It is perfectly possible to believe something on a conscious level – – but the opposite at a subconscious level, and THIS is what, my friend SABOTAGES success in so many cases for so many people with different goals – – femdom included.

And the key to influencing the subconscious doesn’t lie in logic.

Ever notice that we dream – – in pictures?

Dreams if you interpret them right (or even choose to interpret them AT ALL) are your subconscious mind’s way of talking to you – giving you advice – and reminding you that although the conscious mind is the CAPTAIN of the ship – the true workers “lie beneath” – and if they rebel or feel differently than what your conscious mind does – – then the REVERSE of what you consciously want to happen will in your life.


The subconscious is like an obedient servant, or machine, my friend.

Feed it the right instructions and it will go to ALL lengths possible to manifest a result based upon those feelings and thoughts which it ACCEPTS as reality.

The key is though, to get your subconscious to accept your goal as having already “happened” or taken place – – and the key to this is REPETITION – – either done verbally – – or via PICTURES OR MOVIES playing in your mind (as I’ll detail beneath) – – and in the case of femdom, and indeed other endavors, repeated affirmation throughout the day.

Powerful femdom related affirmations that will cause a SHIVER to run across your spine when you read ‘em – – and emotions – -deep, sexual emotions to surface – – and your brain will literally start REWIRING itself from the inside out as it were.

Say something enough times my friend, and you’ll start to believe it, even if it were to be a lie!

How did the World Wars occur, for instance, and how do DEPRESSIONS start?

It all starts with the mind. It could be Hitler brainwashing the German public through RELENTLESS REPETITION of the same concepts (Nazism in that case) – – or enough people saying “the economy is terrible!” (and voila – – down go the markets).

The COVID-19 scare going around these days at the time of writing this is another perfect example of mass panic, panic buying, total (or almost) lockdown in many parts of the globe, isolationism, and much more.

All due to a “super flu”, hehe – – and again, THOUGHT – – and influencing the public’s subconscious minds is why we have the current environment of panic.

One persons repeats it ad infinitum. The other does. Then a third, and a fourth .. and before you know it, the first starts believing what is being repeated without even knowing it or being aware of a change in belief, and at that point, guess what he or she attracts.

More panic in this case – – and for our purpose – -more FEMDOM – if done right!

The 16 affirmations mentioned in each of these courses are powerful, visual affirmations that will permanently rewire the way you as a submissive man or dominant woman see a member of the opposite sex – – and from then on, it’s smooth sailing.

And that, my friend is really why I wrote these two manuals (with more to come). Again, you’ll achieve best results if you accompany what I’m asking you to affirm here with the teachings in “A Complete Guide to understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland” – – a book you can pick up on my site at https://spicyanderoticfetish.com/books/for-true-male-subs/.


EXPERIENCE THE LASTING JOYS OF REAL FEMDOM – “as close to 24/7” femdom as you can get?

“Down, boy!”

She wont even need to say it. You and her will FEEL IT all the time if you use these affirmations in YOUR LIFE!!

That look in the eye … She owns you, lock, stock and BARREL – and she knows it!

My version of this might be different from what most people believe, my friend.

Most people think 24/7 femdom is “living in a cage” with her brandishing a whip over you – literally in most cases “24/7”.

Or, something to that effect, being chained up in a room for long periods, or to a table – whatever turns you on.


That is PLAY and there is nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t “femdom in real life”.

I’ve gone on record stating femdom in real life, even understated is what the REAL turn on is for most people, if not EVERYONE into femdom. I’d wager a bet those subtle glances she gives you, those looks, that gleam in the eye that appears but momentarily … all of that is a far bigger overall turn on than the actual actions that follow!

In fact, I know this to be true. If you’re a true submissive, so do you!

Like I said, I wrote this Volume to get you closer and closer to 24/7 femdom – permanently.

On auto pilot. You’ll be dominated without trying to find it, without looking for it – if that sounds like a fantasy well, it’s not – provided you stay sane and sensible in this regard.

24/7 femdom “literally” is hard to achieve, and I’ve said this often, real life comes in the way all too often.

But, you can get as CLOSE to it as possible!

Like with the exercise example I gave you above, you keep getting better and better and aiming for.

You never rest on your laurels as a submissive, there is always someone out there waiting to take your place my friend!

You keep aiming HIGHER.

Anyway, 24/7 femdom to me in real life is … finding every opportunity to “serve” her – even if it’s not a sexual turn on for me – for instance, doing the dishes every chance you get, without even telling her, or, looking for the “hmm!” from her after you do it.

Just do it.

She’ll notice it – whether she says it or not.

Same thing with the laundry.

Just do it.

If you know how she prefers it done, do it that way to the best of your ability without overly “bothering” her about how to do it (which is the turn on for many submissives!).

Serve, in other words without expectation of anything in return – domination included – in the way you SO desire.

You’ll find that oddly enough, this indirect method down the line gives you FAR more lasting femdom – ALONG with the scenarios you envisaged – because it brings her – and your – subconscious mind into play!

If you simply do the dishes, then wack off to her soles?

Well, thats play for the most part, a conscious action.

If you do NOT, however, get the reward instantly, in most cases its a long grind as it is with anything really worthwhile – then believe me, the Laws of the Universe say that reward will come – usually manifold.

It might not manifest “now” or at a time of your choosing but manifest it will, that is a simple law of the Universe which holds as true today (2022 at the time of writing this) and will hold true as long as the Universe is around – as true as it did when the great philosopher Emerson wrote about in the Laws of Compensation (a must read if you have not already).

When you truly get to 24/7 femdom, you as a submissive and her as a dominant will be HAPPY- happier than ever before – and in “lust” all the time, but the sort of lust that isn’t direct, the sexual tension that always exists, but isn’t necessarily fulfilled at all, which makes life interesting, that sexual tension!

It’s about finding ways to serve as a submissive, and her finding ways to impose more tasks you as a dominant, and this being done NATURALLY.

Its one thing to ASK him to do the dishes, as my wife used to. “Will you do this”, she’d ask cautiously to avoid fights.

It’s another to EXPECT it – which she does now, and which is the real turn on!

That expectation being worked into your daily life from both angles is what 24/7 femdom is all about, my friend. It’s not about a quick wank, it’s not about being chained to a post for the entire day and then let loose for downtime, it ain’t about those things.

It’s about REAL LIFE.

Gritty real life, and incorporating femdom into that real life as far as possible – which if you do it, you will find ways to make it possible!

And these affirmations in this book, along with Volume One will condition your subconscious to attract the situations that MAKE it possible for you to do so!


What YOU as a SUBMISSIVE MALE can expect from using these affirmations RELIGIOUSLY


  • Start attracting female dominance – -and dominant WOMEN to you without even thinking – in ALL spheres of your life – not just femdom!
    • Don’t be surprised if you start attracting more dominant ladies, for example, at your workplace – – or out in the park while working out – – or while eating out at a restaurant – – it will happen at times and places probably not of your choosing, but it will happen way faster than you thought!
  • An increased sense of submissiveness in general, and towards female in particular (and in general). You’ll lose the “brash arrogant” side to you that women hate so much …
  • If you’re already in a female led relationship, these affirmations will help take your relationship to the NEXT level in terms of femdom – watch out! And if you’re NOT already in a female domination relationship – -well – – you’ll be on the right path once you make these affirmations a part of YOUR life!
  • You’ll learn what true femdom is about (hint – its NOT what most men have led you to believe).
  • You will understand, more than ever before, the meaning of HAVING her cake – -and eating it too!
    • And believe me, this is in ASPECTS of life – at work – at home – and in BED!
  • You will morph into the perfect submissive for her – at her beck and call – always!
  • You will learn that HER pleasure and satisfaction is what counts, and yours lies in making sure that SHE is satisfied…
    • … and yes, that means in bed as well as the KITCHEN, boy!
  • Perhaps most importantly for some men, you will NOT need to “fight” to make femdom a part of your life anymore. Once it’s your – and her – subconscious – – all will proceed without a hitch!
  • You’ll feel an increased sense of satisfaction and openness at truly embracing your FEMININE self (aspect) – and the humiliation that comes along with it will be a turn on like never before!


And much, much more. The above is but the proverbial tip of the iceberg …

And, on a parting note – guys –


DOWN, boy! 

The REAL scoop on the Law of Attraction, and it aint what you think, or what is commonly taught either. 

And it isn’t! I know how many guys will look at that picture, salivate, drool, and more – and “wish they could get it”, and never do.


Why make things more complicated than they are – and the difference between getting a peck on the cheek, and PASSIONATE SEX – or femdom – or whatever you want – well – this course covers it ALL.

Paula, a reader said it so well in your latest review for this book.

In it, she says many things – but the main import – other than the creative manner in which she does the video review (thanks, Paula!!) – is this – WHY make things more complicated than they are, my friend?

The simplest things work – the most BASE of simple things – always work the best, I’ve said that for EVERY endavor, not just women, or fetish, or sexual matters.

And so says Paula too in her review for the course, and she is so spot on and right!

Another thing she touches upon is a CARDINAL rule not so much mentioned (well, not directly, its there indirectly) in this course – but its mentioned in great detail in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from mainland China” – point #4, I believe …

And it’s a KEY thing most guys ignore – that being “neediness”.

The Law of Attraction, the REAL law of attraction, not that taught by self help “so called gurus” is this – you chase something, it runs away from you – period – no matter what that is, but you run away from something – it run AFTER you – flies, rather!

And so it is, my friend!

This may sound contradictory with what I say about affirmations and all that, but it all comes from the subconscious my friend – and thy conscious actions should be dictated by the subconscious!

If you are truly willing to do “anything” for her – there’s one way to say or feel that sexually, it’s another to be a doormat – NO-ONE wants that!

And it’s different, if you know what I’m talking about, if you’re learning from the courses, you will know what I mean. (and it’s often the difference between a peck on the cheek, and more. Hehe).

She also delves deep into CONFIDENCE, and how men make the mistake of not getting the woman sexually interested in them from the get go, and by that I dont mean Bozo Schofield like non existent dick pics, or “Ma’am, can you dominate me”.


It’s all laid out in “A complete guide to understanding dominant ladies from the Chinese mainland“, which if you still have not got that course in 2023, but you say you’re interested in femdom and bringing femdom into YOUR LIFE, well, you need to get that course now!

Anyway, here’s the review – – a solid one!

Anyway – back to it – and the “theme of the day” here – or always, hehe –

She owns you, boy – – and don’t you ever FORGET IT!

Madam Andy truly WAS a dominant force of nature that understood these affirmations naturally – – and HOW!


What YOU as a DOMINANT FEMALE can expect from using these affirmations – again – RELIGIOUSLY!


  • Embrace the dominant side of you like never before – – and understand – – and REVEL in knowing that YOU are the boss – – the dominant force of nature you were MEANT To be – -at all levels!
  • Understand and reemphasize both to yourself and him that the reason for his existence is your pleasure – – and to serve YOU – – at your WHIMS and FANCIES – – at your beck and call – -and nothing other than that!
  • Men “topping from the bottom” are a PET PEEVE for most dominant ladies, and so it should be. These affirmations will make that a thing of the past, as he turns into the mushy, “soft”, easily controllable piece of putty he was meant to be – – in your gorgeous, dominant, feminine hands!
  • He’ll truly be your bitch – in more ways than one, and that alone is worth the price of admission here, ladies!
  • You will truly be the boss in the relationship. You can reduce him to chattel, or less than – – it’s up to you!
  • Never do a spot of housework – – or cooking – – or cleaning, or any of those other chores you hate so much. Sissies are meant to cook and clean and serve, while REAL women command!
    • Make him understand that HE needs to do things the way you LIKE – and deserve!
  • Learn that sex is meant for YOU as a lady to enjoy – – and him to provide!
  • Turn him into the docile, polite and obedient little slut of your dreams. Mould him as you so choose, and he’ll love you all the more for it!
  • Discover the joys that come from being in a TRUE female led relationship (and believe me, the way it’s commonly described is NOT that true femdom is all about).
    • It’s about having your cake – -and eating it too!
  • Make body worship – and massages – at your whim, of course, a regular part of your life, while never, ever reciprocating or be expected to!
  • And all of this, without even consciously trying … if you use the affirmations religiously!


There’s more. That’s but the tip of the iceberg, and you’ll KNOW what I mean once you start practicing and incorporating these affirmations in your daily life!







By the way, each book gives you sixteen affirmations – – and I’ve just given you two MORE in plain sight on this page – – can you spot ’em?? 😉

Thats 32 affirmations, each one of them a gold mine unto itself my friend.

For a mere $50 or thereabouts, these books are a STEAL, my friend. Quite literally so. If I were to put a price tag on the knowledge contained therein, and all the EXPERIENCES I’ve learnt from – – well – – the tag would be – – PRICELESS.

Really, my friend. It’s impossible to put a tag on REAL experience but being I am in a benevolent mood right now, and being I want to get this in as many hands as possible, I’m pricing at at the insanely low price above – for NOW.

Sharing truly is CARING, hehe, and I’ve said this many a times in Sissy Central too!

Note though that you DO need to strike “while the iron is hot”. I don’t think this benevolence will last forever – – and the price certainly won’t be what it is forever – – so go ahead – strike NOW – – and grab these gems right now – – and watch your life change almost instantly for the BETTER.









Yours in TRUE femdom,

Mike Watson

PS – As if all that wasn’t enough to convince you??

Check out ANOTHER great review Madam Daniela, truly a gorgeous QUEEN!!! left for the book .

As always I am writing this review from a vanilla perspective.

The first interesting thing I notice from this book is the “affirmations”. If you believe in something and feel it, it will come to you. Of course, affirmations are only a part of it, don’t be lazy by just sitting and waiting for the magic, you have to make it happen!

In this book, you will find all the tricks you need to find the perfect dominant woman for you, in a way vibes are a part of it, the other part, just adore her and understand she is the best that can happen to you and show her that!!

Race, religion, body type, culture, etc, nothing of that matters. You reader, need to know, it is all about THE VIBES! and respect of course. Communication is always the key in every relationship vanilla or not.

Amen, Madam .. JI!


Get these books NOW now, friend. Truly worth it for the TRUE FEMDOM LOVER!

PS #2 – And remember, my friend – if YOU leave a review (those of you that have bought the course from here – well, you get an automatic 10% discount on your next purchase, and lots of more custom “goodies” to boot if you so choose, but the discount will be auto emailed as soon as you submit the review).

PLEASE – I request you – take some time out to submit these honest and genuine reviews, they really help, not just us, but also others interested in buying the course.

And thats that – get this NOW.