Wash her feet, and DRINK THE WATER boy!

I read something about India not so long ago …

… or the rampant problem of “casteism” and upper casters VS lower castes.

Yours truly doesnt know a lot about this issue, as well as the rampant religious divides in the country, only worsening as of late from what I can tell.

But I know it’s abhorrent, and needs to be avoided, and yet …

Well, first a story. Or a couple!

There was this story of an Indian employers who made her TEENAGE or less than it (it was terrible!) maids (who shouldn’t be working in the first place) eat their food off the toilet as punishment for not “doing their work properly”.

Simply horrific, as are the stories of maids falling asleep while massaging their owners feet after a long hard day ..

Or, in Pakistan – maids (young ones) being forced to “stand completely still” as the family ate …

Or, perhaps the most “Revolting” in a certain way.

An “upper caste” person “punishing” a lower caste by placing his waste on a PLATE and handing it to him in public to eat!

Believe it or not, these are all true stories!

But femdom wise, all make for a great great experience!!

And I’ve written before about HER waste – and HIS waste – and why I love worshipping THEIR assholes so much!

Part of it is the abject degradation, so much that my hands shake when I think about it, and another part is the associated humiliation and the sheer PLEASURE they get!

But it’s where her waste comes out, boy!

And his!

And thats another reason I love COCKS so much and that lovely PEE HOLE!

Truly awesome and made to be worshipped like the prize it is by a sissy!

I’d often wash Garima Madam’s feet after she came home from work.

Actually, I ALWAYS did that. And the work was only temporary, as those reading the book will know!

(here is it – Garima Madams bitch!)

And she’d make me DRINK that water often!

Usually not with soap but sometimes with!

And I spoke about pampering your Mistress.

I’d often wash Garima’s feet with milk.

Tea. Green tea!

And of course, I’d drin kit later!

Or, I’d polish Jerome’s shoes with my cum.

And I’d lick the leftovers up later!

Or, and as I asked perfect Madam SUSAN to do so often … but we haven’t!

Madam, you’re just so perfect! Even if you put yout shit on a plate, Id worship it!

(note – not “Eat”! SSC, boy!)

And on that note, I’m out. I think I’ve made my point clear!


Mike Watson

PS – Pick up some of our intensely humiliating tales on Chinese femdom right here.

PS #1 – And for those looking to learn about humiliation and how to do it best? Well, look no further than Princess Joanie!

(She truly IS THE ONE!)

PS #2 – And Humiliation Central, of course!

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