Her soles, a shining MONUMENT to TRUE FEMDOM

People have had questions.

One being, “why do you keep putting SOLES on the cover of your book, and not the foot?

And this is such a common question that I get tired of answering it. These days, I rarely ever do, because these idiots are NOT true femdom lovers.

(This is a true question I just got, by the way!)

Unless they’re WOMEN, in which case I understand it, but curiously enough, women, even those not initially into femdom “get it”!

It’s men that are the Bozos, hehe.

Lust fueled Bozo like behavior such as inane rants, messaging women out of the blue (unwanted), asking your truly to introduce them to girls, send pictures of legs and other wacko stuff.

But the soles!

Could be my SO’s soles. Gorgeous, DOMINANT!

Could be the pair of DIRTY SOLES – and thats it – just soles – I put on the cover of the Italian version of the book on ruined orgasms – yet to be released, but it’s on the way – but all you see is a pair of feet. Grimy, dirty soles.

Thats all!

And yet.

So sexy, so alluring, most of all, SO UBER DOMINANT!

Or, Madam Bao Bao’s soles.

So TIRED. Cracke dheels. They needed worship, and yet, as she PLONKED that foot down with a satisfied GRIN “your girlfriend will be very happy, boy!!” – SHE KNEW – SHE KNOWS – SHE’s a GODDESS – a lady of the night but a GODDESS – and men use her, so she USES ME – and , well, that SOLE says it all – so dominant! 

Perfect Madam Susan and her friends, and their soles.

Relaxed, sunning – and DOMINANT!

Notice a theme, boy?

Or, the soles on the book on (one of them) Chinese femdom compilations (look on the page, and you’ll find it).

(I’m sure the price shoppers already have, hehe. But that page isn’t there for you to jerk off to! And by the way, book covers aren’t there for guys to jerk off to. They are there for a reason which goes DEEP, REAL DEEP! Only TRUE femdom lovers will GET IT).

(and by the way, if you’re just on the list for free stuff, and have NO intention of buying anything – please unsubscribe – thank you!)

(and if you’ve been on the fence, then jump OFF IT – NOW!)

The sole, my friend, is truly the MONUMENT to femdom.

True, her EYES and the SPARK – the GLEAM – and the MALICE that goes along with it – or, alternatively, the GIGGLE while SHE KNOWS – she’s humoring you … all that is there, but it all boils down to the FOOT.

Her soles!

If it’s just “foot” you’re interested in, perhaps you’re a foot lover.

But if SOLES attract you, boy – then you’re at the right place!

And as those soles PLONK down on my chest, imperiously staring at me, they’re telling me to get to work – if just mentally! 

It just STARES at you. 

Down, boy! 

Talk to my SOLES, boy! Not ME!

And therein lies the NUB.


Mike Watson

PS – And Princess Joanie did it the best – you really must grab this book NOW.

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