Why uber successful MARKETING – and uber successfuL FEMDOM – both – START WITH – FLIRTING!

A good flirt a that, hehe.

And some of us are just naturals at it – more so than others!

Hint – before reading this – do NOT think you can “just flirt” and become a marketing or femdom success. It has to come naturally, it has to be genuine, or you’ll end up achieving the exact opposite result from what you wanted. It has to come from the inside, its gotta be you! 


And on that note!


I’d just like to kneel in front of a certain Melanie. Perfect Madam Melanie, the gorgeous and older lady – and I’ve not even seen her!

To an extent, perhaps Madam Sneha as well – I haven’t even seen her!

And .. .Paye LAgu, Madam Melanie … JI!

I’ve written about her before. She’s got it – whether she knows it or not – the VIBE!

She knows it. I bet. Hehe. From her responses thus far, she’s proved it.

Anyway, marketing?

On a social media platform I dont really use for THIS purpose i.e. selling these books – I saw a person asking about why flirting is considered inacceptable, and why is not more acceptable, isnt it “natural” etc.

He posted a poll or something too.

Now, Icould write tomes on his question, but Melanie’s response struck me.

An intelligently worded question (her intelligence is what I like (LOVE!))) …

“Why is it considered flirting with the opposite gender, but banter with the same?”

Good one!

“Madam, because it just is. Some thing just are! No why!” 

Is what I replied with.

I’ve no idea what she said.

But, this is the same lady I once asked about .. or, mentioned in regard to another decidely non femdom related topic (quotes from movies it was, I believe).

I told her I wasn’t much of a movie buff despite being right on what she asked me.

“But, I’v ewatched 50 shades of Grey!” I went. 

And I went on to add that I didnt quite like the movie.

The book despite it’s numerous faults was still far better as is usually the case with all these book – movies remakes – Jurassic Park – the Bourne series (though I love that one!) – and more.

Anyway .. Madam responded with –

“I haven’t seen it! Not my thing!”

I replied with. –

“Maybe not! Maybe the opposite is? Maybe not!”

In true flirtatious manner, Melanie never replied. Why? We both know, hehe.

But anyway, back to flirting!

Is it any coincidence all succesful marketers are great at flirting, and vice versa?

I dont think so!

Jeff Bezos being one prime example, but look at any successful man – either femdom related or not, and you’ll find the same.

Most successful men are highly sexed – said Napoleon Hill.

To an extent, it’s true with women too from a different perspective!

But flirting!

When a girl HITS you with that vibe without consciously meaning to – she’s flirting!

When you see a findomina like Pearl and the glean in your eyes -it’s flirting!

When you keep sending these emails, the one that TANTALIZE – YOU – the reader – and make you buy (and there’s a lot of you!) … well, thats flirting!

When you call her Madam in THAT manner, it’s flirting!

It’s the feeling!

When you see a nice cock in front of you dangling – it’s flirting!

Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct?

FLIRTING x 1000, both int he movie and for the viewer!

In all these cases, it’s look but don’t touch, can’t get …

… THAT Is the whole key – the CHASE!

Anyway … last, but not least.

Fifty Shades of Grey was a bestseller, yes.

I however, predict “Serving an Indian Goddess” to be an EVEN bigger bestseller, and why?

Because my predictions have a very uncanny way of coming true!

It’s already selling like hotcakes.

if you haven’t checked it out, you should NOW.

I repeat, NOW. It’s that damned good! (as are ALL my books).

But it’s only getting started, much like the translations into various language, some done, some not.

Email me if you want links for Portugese for one – or for the book on ruined orgasms – Spanish – or, the complete guide to attracting dominant ladiesf rom the chinese mainland … Spanish again!

(or, just get the English versions by clicking the link and then “buy now”)

(Some of the “buy” buttons are very nicely “messaged” aswell, hehe. So be it – I am LOVING IT!)

So many, so many!

Paye Lagu, Madam Ji!

You’re a Queen incarnate!


Mike Watson

PS – The Universe truly know our deepest and darkest desire. It works for .. US! A few minutes before seeing the initial post on that social media, I was flirting over email with someone else!

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